Friday, January 24, 2020

Free Essays - Circular Life in When the Legends Die :: When Legends Die Essays

  Circular Life(When The Legends Die)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   When the Legends Die, by Hal Borland, is a novel in which traces the life of Tom Black Bull from a young Indian boy to an older, mature adult.   Thus meaning When the Legends Die is a bildungsroman.   A bildungsroman is a novel in which the protagonist from beginning to the end matures, and in a classic bildungsroman, undergoes a spiritual crisis. His life is filled with many obstacles and affected by many people positively and negatively.   Throughout the story he overcomes these obstacles and lives through the people.   His attitude is affected with the presence of the other characters.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Soon after the death of Tom’s father, George Black Bull, Tom is left to be the man of the family.   Bessie states to Tom after burying his father, â€Å"‘Now you are the man.’†(29) That one statement has a lot of meaning.   On one hand it means he has to provide for him and his mom.   By hunting for food to help him and his mom stay alive and survive.   Then he has to be able to catch enough to eventually save for winter.   Then, during the winter, his mom dies from sickness.   He brings her up to where his father was buried and buries his mom right next to his father, singing the song for going away.   Bessie was a positive influence to Tom, she had taught him how to live: cook, sing the old songs, and doing things in the old way.   On the other hand she was negative, because everyone else in the story was starting to live in the new ways and adapting to it, while she did not even teach Tom anything about the new ways.   With the lack of his mother now, he has no one to live with, care for, except for himself, but without an adult in his life.   But now he is now forced to choose his own choice and learn from them since he has no one to help him through life.   For his mother, was not only his caretaker but also his teacher and mentor for living in the old ways.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Soon after living alone for a while on the mountain, he is tricked into going to a reservation school.   Then from there, he escapes then returns and ends up being an aid for a sheepherder.   Within a short a period of time, he is taken in the hands of Red Dillon.

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Anne Frank †Short Essay Essay

The session that I attended at The Anne Frank Project on September 11, 2009 was Beyond the Diary: Behind the scenes of a Jewish Family in Hiding with Sophia Veffer. Even though I learned some things about the Holocaust during middle school, there still were things that I did not know. The reason why I attended this session is because I wanted to know how some of the Jews were able to survive the Holocaust and I also wanted to know what Sophia’s experience was like actually being a child during the Holocaust. This session connected to the overall theme of the conference because Sophia talked about what she and Anne Frank both had to go through and how some people in different countries still go through similar situations. Today there are still people who get treated differently because of what they look lie or where they come from. Sophia said that if Anne Frank were still alive she would probably try to make a difference by putting an end to these genocides. I was very glad that I got a chance to sit in Sophia’s session because I got to learn about the Holocaust from an actual survivor. She told us how her and her family had eleven different hiding places. I couldn’t even imagine what her childhood must have been like. She had to get rid of everything she owned even her identity. She also talked about how some Jews were not able to go in hiding and the reason was is they had to have money. The only families that went into hiding had money and they knew non Jewish people who would let them hide in their homes. One thing that really upset me is when Sophia said that the Germens pretended as if they did not know what was going on with the Jews. This really made me sad because how could you know that someone is doing wrong and not care to try to change it and make a difference? There are many different issues going on in the world today. One global issue that is of concern to me is homelessness. Every time I see a person out on the street I always think to myself their shoes can fit my feet. I do not mind helping others because after I do a good deed I always feel really good about myself and nothing can take that feeling away. This issue inspires me to try 2 make a small difference by giving them change or bringing them food. One day when me and my sister were driving up the street we saw sum homeless people and their sign said that they were hungry so we went to Mcdonalds and brought them sum burgers. Making a difference starts with a small deed then before you know it your changing the world.

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Realism, liberalism and critical theory Free Essay Example, 1750 words

8). Thus, after the years of uncertainty Napoleon finally took the power in his hands and caused significant changes in the European political map. In general, French Revolution was a turning point in the whole European history. On the one hand, it was the first mass revolution in the history. Therefore, the fact of its victory challenged the royal, elite, afnd religious authority in all the European countries. On another hand, the international consequences of the change of social and political structure in France were tangible for all the countries of continental Europe with the enormous ambitions of Napoleon. And so, the theoretic analysis of this event is different in the key international relations theories due to the complex outcomes of its occurring. In realist theory, the international relations are considered as a battlefield of selfish forces that struggle solely for their own interests (Walt, 1998, p. 31). In fact, realist scholars view the international system as a â€Å"structural anarchy†, or â€Å"the absence of central authority to settle disputes† (Holsti, 2004, p. 54). In this context, the inability of French king to resolve the hard conditions of his country caused the conflict as it is predicted by realism. We will write a custom essay sample on Realism, liberalism and critical theory or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/pageorder now In addition, French Revolution as a bloody event in French history fits such a pessimistic view of realist framework on the cooperation between radical groups within the society. Moreover, realism emphasizes on the competition in international relations that easily explain all the conflicts and alliances that happened in the previous centuries (Walt, 1998, p. 31). In fact, this theory has no optimism considering the peaceful resolution of the conflicts (Walt, 1998, p. 31). In particular, the weakness of French position in European context demonstrated by the war against it illustrates such an idea of pragmatism in international relations. In addition, alliances were included in the general explanation of realist approach of the necessity to survive in the given environment (Walt, 1998, p. 31) as choosing the least evil among all the other ones. In this context, leaders of French Revolution fit the view of Hans Morgenthau and Reinhold Niebuhr that fo und in all human structures the natural wish of dominance (Walt, 1998, p. 31). Furthermore, the background conditions of weakness of royal power and mass dissatisfaction provides the reason why the struggle between rising leaders and groups existed as they were in the same position in power vacuum.